Friday, April 3, 2020

Magic Cats Tutoring - The Advantages of Interactive Classroom Instruction

Magic Cats Tutoring - The Advantages of Interactive Classroom InstructionMagic Cats Tutoring is a new online program for kids that offers exciting tutoring for children of all ages. This interactive program offers interactive learning experiences that make it an enjoyable learning experience. The concept of learning in this virtual environment is different from conventional learning where you read and learn things as they come to you.Interactive learning is something that every parent and teacher can appreciate. It gives the ability to help your child learn how to think and feel for themselves. Learning in this way helps them learn as they learn, rather than forcing them to do things as they do not want to.It is a proven fact that children learn much better if they are not forced to learn. This also explains why so many parents do not encourage children to engage in learning. When you see them outside of the classroom, you would be surprised at how much they have learned and gained f rom this fantastic learning experience.Magic Cats Tutoring has just launched and is proving to be a sensation among kids. There is no other way to explain it other than 'wow' - they just simply love it! In a matter of weeks, it was already the top rated web application of its kind.Magic Cats Tutoring offers a wide variety of learning experiences that will be fun for any age group. They include the following:Learning how to read, writing and spelling - The lessons in Magic Cats Tutoring will help children develop their knowledge about the English language. To keep them focused on reading and writing, they are also given practice in spell checking and word recognition. Finally, they can use this knowledge when they try to play written and spelling games.Life skills development - The lessons will help children learn to manage their emotions and learn how to let go of anger. They are also taught how to stay calm under pressure and how to keep their cool in a normal situation.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Teach Yourself to Sing

Teach Yourself to Sing Singing Tips for Learning to Sing On your Own Chapters Learn to Sing on Your Own: Prepare Your Body and Learn to Listen Know Your Voice and Learn to Sing on Your Own Exercises for Teaching Yourself to Sing The Greatest Self-Taught Singers Learn to Sing with YouTube Learn to Sing on Your Own with the Internet Learn to Sing on Your Own in front of a Camera Singing Alone: How to Move on to Singing in front of an Audience“The voice is a second face.” - Gérard BauërThe academic definition of somebody who’s self-taught is somebody who learns on their own without a teacher.The French writer Georges Le Meur has a better definition of being self-taught.  According to him, being self-taught is a “formative approach that isn’t subject to a third-party [...] freely decided and directed by the actor themselves. They teach themselves without entrusting their learning responsibilities to an intermediary educator [...] This does not mean that they do not call upon other people. To this effect, we need to remind ourselves that the pe rmanent quest of the experts seems primordial throughout research.”The self-taught are therefore tenacious, passionate, belligerent, fearless, and creative workers.  The same goes for those teaching themselves to sing. In the same way as any other artistic domain, singing lends itself perfectly to self-teaching.You can learn to listen to your own voice and correct the notes that are out of key, adjust your vocal cords and your vocal timbre, master breathing, then, bit by bit, you can start calling yourself a singer.With that in mind, let’s have a look at some of the ways you can teach yourself to sing! Here's Superprof's best advice for gaining self-confidence and teaching yourself to sing well. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Learn to Sing on Your Own: Prepare Your Body and Learn to ListenAs soon as we hear our favourite music, we can’t stop turning up the volume and singing along. However, you’ll need to adopt the right posture when you sing.Physically and Mentally Preparing Yourself to SingBefore you start singing, you need to make sure that your body is in the right position since a good posture, like in sport, allows you to get the most out of your physical abilities.It's important you work on your posture when singing rather than trying to look cool. (Source:  Kaique Rocha)The basic rule is to have a straight back, either standing or sitting, with your legs parallel and aligned with your shoulders and your feet flat on the floor.  A straight back allows the singer to open their chest cavity and fully fill their lungs with air.  This also allows you produce nice notes more easily and sing in key.Breathing: The Other Fundamental RuleSince the voice is basically a wind instrument, breathing makes up 80% of singing.  Slow and deep breathing exercises - breathing in and out slowly - can stimulate the abdominal muscles which can give your voice more punch.Listen to YourselfIn fact, once you start singing a song, you’ll want to start developing your own style. However, not everyone is capable of being their own boss when it comes to learning how to sing.  A lot of shy people rush off to get a singing tutor or a vocal coach.  Otherwise, the only other option is to teach yourself how to sing.Whether you’re shy or fiercely confident in your own abilities, there will be times when you start to get discouraged.How can you sing well and where should you start?Firstly, you sh ould listen to your own voice, develop your ear (musically), and believe in your own abilities and potential.  It’s very rare that a singer had perfect pitch or a finely-tuned musical ear when they started singing.Training your vocal cords and sticking with it come after you’ve gained self-confidence and become aware of the fact that anyone can get a good singing voice if they work at it.Some people are obviously more gifted at it than others but even the worst voice can be corrected and improved. You need to know how to listen to yourself singing whether you record yourself and do it later or if you do it in real time.Check for the best singing lessons Edinburgh. Know Your Voice and Learn to Sing on Your OwnWe should start our vocal training by finding out how our voice actually works.Music theory is fundamental when it comes to learning how to sing. (Source: are 5 fundamental elements to any good voice:Breathing: while breathing comes to us naturally, breathi ng when you sing is a very different set of skills. By controlling your breathing with your diaphragm and opening your chest cavity, the singer can relax their body (which also alleviates tension) and circulate air around their body more effectively when they inhale and exhale.Elocution: this is a skill that requires you can pronounce phonemes (both consonants and vowels) well during your singing.Rhythm: knowing when to start and stop singing along with music is the sign of a great singer.Pitch: the pitch and quality of the notes you sing is dependant on whether or not you’re sharp or flat when you sing (too high or too low in terms of pitch). When you sing a song, the vocal parts need to be in the same key as the song as you go from one note to another.The Voice: Everyone’s voice is unique and unlike any other. Your body, gender, age, vocal cords, and many other factors will determine the type of voice you have and its general qualities. It will also determine your vocal range and tessitura (the range of notes you can produce without too much difficulty).Knowing your body will give you the information you need to correct any errors you make.  Now let’s move onto more serious matters - how to work on your voice. Exercises for Teaching Yourself to SingThere are often several steps to take when achieving any goal. The same can be said for teaching yourself to sing.When you perform in a group, it doesn't mean you'll have less work to do. (Source: dimitrisvetsikas1969)We recommend that you firstly warm up your voice. Ideally, you should do this in the same kind of place where you’d perform (like a stage). Every musician should do the same. A pianist will warm up their fingers and a trumpet player will practise breathing.For a singer, you should work on your vocal scales. Try a mid-range scale, then a low scale, before finally moving on to a high scale. Then you should repeat this pattern until your voice is relaxed.After that, try progressively increasing the volume before progressively decreasing the volume. This will help expand your vocal range.Now move on to something a little more complicated: sing the notes in a C major scale (including the semitones) and go back to the original C.  Singing all the notes (including the sharps and flats) will help increase your vocal agility and flexibility.You should then do scales for between 20 and 30 minutes in order to strengthen your vocal cords and find your range (be it tenor, baritone, alto, mezzo-soprano, soprano).You can use a piano to help you by singing each note being played on the piano.  This can be useful for helping you find a song’s key or just making sure that you’re in tune.  Each famous singer will have done this. A piano’s an invaluable tool for anyone teaching themselves to sing with the help of a private vocal coach. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors The Greatest Self-Taught SingersAs with many things in life, it helps to have a role model to follow. This is particularly useful for singers who are working without the help of a voice coach or private singing tutor.You can teach yourself to sing and play guitar at the same time, too! (Source: FirmBee)Here are a few examples of self-taught singers who all learnt to sing in a variety of different ways.Georges BrassensThe French singer Georges Brassens (1921-1981) isn’t the first singer you’d probably think of but he became hugely succes sful in his time.While he was a bad and shy student at school, his mother refused to give him music lessons until he started perform better at school.  He learnt to play guitar and sing by himself.During the Second World War, he wrote his first poems in a labour camp near Basdorf near Berlin in Nazi Germany.While living in poverty in the late 1940s and early 1950s, he wrote a number of songs which would later become hits: Hécatombe, La Mauvaise Réputation, Le Mauvais Sujet Repenti, La Prière, Je suis un voyou, Le Parapluie, Chanson pour l’Auvergnat, La Chasse aux papillons, J’ai rendez-vous avec vous, Brave Margot, Jeanne, Le Gorille, Je me suis fait tout petit, Saturne, Rien à jeter, and La Non-Demande en mariage.  However, he didn’t even want to become a singer.He was shy and frozen by stage fright. He preferred that his poems be performed by singing stars.  He taught himself music, poetry, and singing by waking up at 5am every morning and working on his until he went to bed until he died.Luciano PavarottiWhen we think of beautiful voices, we often think of opera singers. Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) was one of the best tenors in recent years.  Coming from a humble background, he wanted to be a teacher. Far from the career of a famous singer like we know him.He learnt to sing on his own in opera choirs in Modena and only really started his career aged 26 after having spent one year as a teacher.We know him as a talented tenor because he helped make classical music more popular during this time who performed duets with famous groups like U2 and famous singers like Sting and Mariah Carey in charity concerts.PrinceWith a different vocal timbre and style, there’s Prince (1958-2016), the kid from Minneapolis.  This eccentric musician was above all a genius. At the age of 20, he produced his first album on which he played 27 different instruments.He learnt on his own, firstly with the piano and the guitar and teaching himself to sing.  This wasn’t a one-off, though. Prince produced all his albums on his own in the studio. He usually put down the piano first and recorded his voice last.Some of his compositions required over 24 hours of non-stop work in the studio.  A good role model to follow.Don't forget that you always need to put on a show! (Source: StockSnap)Aretha FranklinThe Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin (born in 1942) learned to sing in her father’s choir aged six.  She made public performances as part of her father’s “Gospel Caravan Tours” where she sang solo parts aged 14.This is where she was discovered by John H. Hammond but it wasn’t where she became famous. It wouldn’t be until 1967 that the hits would come.  She said that it wasn’t until she went to Atlantic Records and sat in front of a piano that the hits started coming.  She just needed to do what she felt like and it worked.EminemWriter and rap artist Eminem (born in 1972) started on his own and is now one of the biggest-selling rap artists of a ll time.  After a difficult childhood, Eminem discovered rap and started taking part in rap battles. He managed to build up his reputation as a white rapper in genre that was predominantly black.To learn more about his motivation and how he got started, the film 8 Mile covers the whole story. Learn to Sing with YouTubeLearning to sing on your own doesn’t mean you can’t use resources to help you improve your vocal techniques and your singing in general.  There are plenty of videos on YouTube that can help beginners to make quick progress.How can you become a singer?Eric Arceneaux’s YouTube channel is a good place to start.  His YouTube videos cover a variety of different aspects of singing from how to protect your vocal cords, vocal workouts, warm up exercises, ways to sing in key, how to stand correctly, etc. Eric has plenty of great advice for those who’ve just started learning to sing!Felicia Ricci has plenty of videos on how to improve your singing. She has tutorials on p lenty of different aspects of singing: how to sing with emotion, how to sing without tension, how to sing into a mic, how to fix your singing using breath, how to sing high notes, as well as videos on how to memorise songs and lyrics and how to relax your tongue while singing.  There are plenty of videos on her channel that you’ll find useful. Learn to Sing on Your Own with the InternetImproving your singing voice from the comfort of your own home is more than possible. Online tools can be a great help:Imusic-schoolThis site offers several different music classes, from guitar to drum classes, with singing classes, too!The advantages:240 video tutorialsSinging classesFor all levels: from beginner to advanced24/7 access from a computer or a tabletThe option to get singing lessons online with established tutorsThere are also videos from Jasmine Roy with over 200 videos covering:PostureElocutionRhythmResonanceFalsettoHarmonyEtc.Of course, since most work deserves to be paid, you’ll find a lot of resources that you have to pay for. There are several subscriptions available to choose from depending on how long you’re going to use the site for. Learn to Sing on Your Own in front of a CameraOnce you’ve got all the tools you need to get a good voice, it’s time to use them wisely: practise, listen, then evaluate yourself.You don't need amazing equipment to record yourself singing. (Source: LubosHouska)To keep improving, recording your voice is a great way to gain a better understanding of your abilities and the errors you’ll need to correct.When you vocalise, elocution is important and every vocal coach will tell their students to look at themselves in the mirror when they sing in order to help themselves avoid making the wrong notes.Filming yourself can be useful for:Seeing where you’re going wrong when you make false notes.Looking at your gestures and correcting the unpleasant ones.Listening to the notes you make and ensuring that they’re the right pit ch.Listening to your vocal timbre, tessitura, and resonance.Improving your vocal range.The best way to do this is to choose a song that you really like, a song whose lyrics you’ve mastered, and sing it while recording yourself.  You should then watch the video and see what isn’t working.  Start again until you’re happy with the recording.Once you’ve done this, you should then show the video to a friend of family member so you can get constructive criticism and the positives and negatives from your performance. Singing Alone: How to Move on to Singing in front of an AudienceMost people avoid this because they’re scared of being judged, have anxiety, or are just overcome by stage fright.Here are ten tips for how to avoid this and perform in front of a whole heap of spectators.Choose your piece carefully: don’t set the bar too high, choose a song that you can easily perform and one that will make you feel comfortable.Practise: there’s no secret to getting good at singing! Practise makes perfect.Start with friends and family: their criticism is often much easier to swallow than from strangers, a jury, or a producer.Carefully choose where you’re going to sing: try to choose a familiar place where you’ll feel comfortable singing.Choose your outfit carefully: make sure you’re not wearing something too tight that will hinder your ability to breathe and make sure you’re comfortable wearing it.Arrive ahead of time: to avoid needless stressing, give yourself time to do some warm up exercises, test the mics, and relax.Relax before you get on stage: breathing exercises, mediation, and yoga are all good ways to make sure you don’t feel stressed before you get on the stage.Eat and drink: eat a bit but not too much. You don’t want a show with your stomach rumbling. This can be really off-putting and render your other preparation useless. Make sure you’re hydrated, too! Stress can dry out your mouth so make sure that you drink water.Don’t let the little things bother you: things rarely go exactly as planned. A slight breeze on the stage, a bigger audience than you first thought, blinding lights, the sound being slightly off, etc. There are so many little things that can go wrong that it’s pointless worrying about them.Focus from start to finish: take this opportunity to make that little voice in your head shut up.In short:Learning to sing on your own is more than possible. Only a lack in self-confidence will stop you doing this and that can be overcome.You can learn to sing in key on your own: there are plenty of famous singers who’ve managed this. However, be aware that this can take a lot of work. Learning to sing on your own can require more work than working on your voice with singing lessons Glasgow or private singing tutorials.You can help yourself with online resources like YouTube channels and music websites.You should film yourself so that you can see where you’re going wrong when you sing.You’ll eventually need to move on to singing in front of an audience even if they are just your friends and family at first.You’re not the first person to embark upon this journey, after all! Everything in its own time. Don’t try to become a famous opera singer after your first practice session.  The second step needs to be less ambitious like singing in a group or in a local venue.If ever you feel lost when carrying out your own vocal training, there are always voice coaches available who can give you push in the right direction. And if the cost of private singing lessons worries you, its worth knowing that there are plenty of options for singers on a budget.Find singing lessons near meSinging lessons LondonSinging lessons Manchester

Friday, March 6, 2020

Sort Out The Problems With Various Middle School Writing Programs

Sort Out The Problems With Various Middle School Writing Programs School is one of the most important parts of our life. We spend most of our days in school of our life. School plays the most important and a crucial role in shaping us as a student. It teaches us lots of things that we carry with us throughout our entire lives. The importance of teachers is also very high in our lives. They are the shapers of our lives. Every good or bad, small or big thing which we know is mostly derived from them. Different stages of school life While in school we go through various stages of it. First is the nursery stage in which we are taught the initial starting of our education life with games, various activities and through rhymes and so on. The second stage is the primary school in which we become accustomed with the new subjects that are taught in the school. The primary schooling gets done over creating and making a base on the various subjects that are been taught. The third one is the middle school in which some new subjects are taught and all new advancement is made for better learning. The process of knowing, implementing them, getting to know the subject on a much better way and also improving yourself gets its level with the middle school studies. The last part is the high school in which only the things taught these years are improved and updated. The high school does not have any new implementation and the old ones are only polished for better tomorrow. It can be said that the middle school is very important for any student as the student goes through huge learning processes. Middle School teaches you the basics of the subjects and also helps you to get a firm idea about what subjects to choose and what not to go through. But today the school has become thorough professional and thus they cannot help a student with the kind of guidance he or she should get. The schools lack this and thus the students are left with a weaker base over the subjects that can never help them for further base. This is the time when the students need the support of some other help to strengthen their base. Online tutors come up for their help. About online teachers Online teaching is a new way of teaching. It is just like the other kind of private tuitions that they get, but a slight difference is there. The difference is that the whole process of this type of tuition classes is conducted over the online way. Do you know what online help is all about? Online way is that the entire class is concluded with various video conferencing, different types of tele-conferencing, online chatting and via emails. The teachers are present all round the clock and thus the students can take help anytime they want. The services provided by the online learning institutes are very unique and helps a student with as much support they want. They have stretched their wings in different types of subjects and different types of services related to teaching only. The Middle school writing programs is a part of the long list of services that they provide. The teachers that is present in this institute for better life. Benefits of online teaching The online teaching process is getting highly acclaimed by the ones who have used the services or know the entire fact of what is online teaching process all about. Let us list down some of the advantages so that being the first timer you can know about the features of it and get a rough idea about what is the process about. The efficient teachers are available who will help the student with best way to help them for better future. The teachers who are appointed in such institutes are very highly qualified and thus this helps the student to get better knowledge about the subject and also about the topic which is being taught. In some institutes it is seen that whether you have the efficiency and then only the teacher is hired. The teachers are available all round the year throughout the clock and thus every student can come up with the appropriate timing to attend the classes. The classes are conducted by the teacher anytime and it totally depends on the student as to how they will come up with the subject better through the help of the teacher. This help increases the self confidence of a student to a great extent. The charges are very low and thus the middle class students can easily come up with the enrollment of their names in these institutes. The charges are as per the affordability of the parents and thus the attraction towards these online tutoring increases. The travelling expenses are also lessened with the advent of such types of classes as these classes are conducted by sitting at home and as a student you do not have t move about from one place to another for getting the tuition classes. This helps the save of your time, energy of moving here and there and also your expenses to a large limit. The classes are all conducted with the help of some of the new technical way as online chats, online messaging, emails etc and thus you can save money from that way as well as you do not have to invest for the notes of your. TutorPace, a new learning institute When you are going on in a searching process then you can easily access the institute TutorPace and know what is and what kind of services does it provide. It also can provide you with a rough idea about the charges that are charged by the other institutes and there you can compare between any other institutes as well. The teachers are also well up to the mark and thus you can enroll yourself in such an institute as well.  

Thursday, March 5, 2020

ESOL Online Understanding Verb Tenses

ESOL Online Understanding Verb Tenses Daily ESOL Courses for Learning English: Marking Time with Tenses ChaptersBefore Delving into the TopicDoing it Like Other TonguesWhy Time Descriptions Are Not Needed in EnglishGetting Back to That DebateSome languages around the globe do not require verb tenses to show when an action happens. Nor do they demand a different verb form for each specific pronoun.Afrikaans, Scandinavian languages and Mandarin Chinese are just a few languages whose verbs do not change form, either in conjugation or for any tenses.Is your native language among those whose verb forms don't change, no matter the subject or the time the action occurred? If so, the need to constantly alter the verb when speaking and writing English must be bewildering, especially because there are several ways to mark time in the English language.We'd like to explore them with you.Time descriptors are not necessarily needed in English Source: Pixabay Credit GeraltRegardless of any possible ulterior motive, the one teaching English to you is absolutely correct: language nuance exists within t he context of what is written or being said.The information you can find  through context includes when actions happen, and the general tone or mood of the piece.We will discuss mood in our next section. Verb tenses are the best indicators of time in the English language.Consider the three simple tenses: past, present and future. Using one or the other to describe when an action happens provides the reader/listener with enough information to determine the timing of the action or event.Perhaps that is why so many people who are learning English as a foreign language content themselves with using only the three simple tenses.However, verb tenses go further to give a broader picture - more context.The progressive tenses indicate something currently happening (until the action was interrupted).The continuous tenses signal something ongoingThe perfect-progressive tenses give emphasis on the result of an action.Verb tenses help the speaker/listener give actions definitive time frames. Set ting the MoodIn English, verb constructions can be used to set a mood â€" a tone that gives further meaning to a sentence or paragraph.There are a total of five moods, but here, we focus on only one: the subjunctive mood.This type of phrasing is usually found in more formal English constructions. You might have read a sentence like this:To gain fluency in the language, it is recommended that the English learner practise speaking skills daily. Subjunctive mood uses: a dependent clause + passive voice + conjunction + independent clause (with modified verb, to suit the mood)Typically used verbs for this construction include: suggest, demand, insist, recommend, and ask.Can you write a subjunctive mood sentence?Learn more about English Grammar Clauses in our dedicated blog.A Note on Passive VoiceSubjunctive mood sentences include the use of a passive voice clause, as shown above. What is meant by passive voice?This sentence construction puts the focus of the phrase on the object, rather than on the subject.Today's English lesson was taught by Mr. Smith â€" passive voice.Standard English sentences call for focus on the subject, like so:Mr. Smith taught today's English lesson.Active voice is a much more direct way â€" the recommended way to express oneself in English.We will discuss passive voice in depth in our next Daily Dose of English Learning article.Getting Back to That DebateEarlier in this article, we mentioned that grammaticians of British and American English are hotly debating whether verbs in English actually use any tenses  at all.The general consensus seems to be that English only uses two tenses: past and present.English linguists are hotly debating whether the English language has verb tenses Source: Pixabay Credit: GeraltIn fact, that agreement extends to the belief that fewer than half of the world's languages actually use clearly defined tenses, as opposed to aspects.What does that matter to you, who is taking English courses in London? Not much, o ther than you will most likely have to recognize and identify verb tenses on any English test you take.Developing your English skills should be less a matter of books and theory, and more a proposition of speaking the language as much and as often as possible. Although an understanding of English grammar is most certainly important, it is not necessary to know every single aspect and rule in order to speak everyday English.In fact, the more you speak, the more the language constructs will naturally come to you, with no special effort on your part.To truly improve your English, we suggest that you focus on your English pronunciation and vocabulary, learn to use English words in proper context, develop strong writing skills and overall literacy, in addition to your grammar lessons.What mood is that sentence written in?If you don't have time to take face to face lessons you can also learn English online with a tutor.

6 Things ALL Great Musicians Should Have

6 Things ALL Great Musicians Should Have Suzy S. As a budding musician, you already know that reaching your goals requires a quality instrument to practice on, a positive mindset, and a commitment to hard work. But beyond the obvious equipment, there are several things some of them intangible that can make a big impact on your progress. Heres our list for success: 1. A practice log or journal. A practice log is absolutely essential to your success!  Keeping track of what youve been working on, what your next goal is, and what you need to practice to get there will help you avoid idle, ineffective practice sessions.  For TakeLessons students, your teacher will complete a journal entry after each lesson, which can be viewed in your online account.  Some teachers may encourage you to keep a written journal, as well.  Either way, your journal is an invaluable tool for staying on track at all times. 2. A great teacher. No matter how much natural talent you think youre born with, every successful musician has a great teacher behind them at some point. With a trained ear and professional experience, a great teacher will be able to help you focus on your goals, recognize bad habits you might be overlooking and best of all, will keep you motivated and having fun! (Dont have a great teacher yet? Search for a teacher near you and book your timeslot with TakeLessons!) 3. Sheet music (and an understanding of how to read it). Sheet music or guitar tabs are a given, but its the latter part that is a controversial topic for some musicians.  Is learning how to read music really necessary? We say yes.  With an understanding of music theory and how chords are created, your skills as a musician will improve drastically.  Youll be able to improvise easier, improve your sight reading and ear training abilities, and ultimately increase your options as a professional musician (imagine composing your own tune and having a large orchestra perform it!). (Having trouble getting the sheet music you need?  Here are our favorite resources for finding sheet music online.) 4. A metronome. Practicing with a metronome albeit a bit  monotonous will help you a ton as you are learning difficult time signatures, mastering tough passages in your music, and learning to play faster and more efficiently.  Dedicate a portion of your practice time to the metronome, and you may find yourself hitting the notes with much better accuracy. Using a metronome is especially important for learning jazz styles and other syncopated rhythms. 5. Recording device. Recording and listening to yourself is helpful for all musicians, from brass players to singers.  Similar to the role of a teacher, listening from a third person point of view can help you determine areas that need more practice and other subtle nuances.  Note: This doesnt mean you need to run out and buy expensive recording equipment; many mobile phone apps and computer programs, such as Garage Band, have recording and playback abilities. 6. Inspiration. Alright, so this one may seem like a bit of a stretch, but it is something all great musicians needs to have.  Without inspiration, your practice sessions will become dull, and your motivation may decline. But the good news?  Inspiration can come from anywhere.  So listen to music whenever you can, and listen to every genre.  Keeping your creativity intact can be especially difficult if music is a side hobby, so make sure you continue stimulating that creative side at every opportunity. Suzy S., TakeLessons staff member and blogger Havent subscribed to our email list yet?  Get even more insider tips and music advice, straight to your email inbox!  Subscribe here! You might also like Stop Stressing: 3 Remedies for Musical Frustration How to Audition Like the Pros: 5 Secrets Excel at Music By Acting Like a Child Photo by Finding Josephine.

How Can I Best Help My Childs Private Tutor

How Can I Best Help My Childs Private Tutor Top Tips For Successful Private Home Tuition ChaptersKnow Your Child's NeedsCheck They Have The Tools For The JobSet A GoalTime It RightBe Supportive Work With The TutorAllowing FlexibilityBe HonestRespect Their ScheduleSupporting your child’s learning by hiring a tutor to is a great idea. A private tutor is committed to guiding your child onto the path to achieving their full potential. They support your child in the skills that they need to become a very best that they can be.Private tutors have a broad reach, they can teach from the national curriculum academic tutoring subjects such as math, science, humanities or geography. Or they can work with you on languages, as a Mandarin or French tutor would do.They can prepare you for your GCSE exams or the entrance exams of secondary school, college or university. And that is not all personal tutors near me can help with homework, support with study skills, help you with reasoning or even preparing personalized and intensive study strategies for children who are studying outside of the traditional school system, such as homeschoolers.Tutoring has become so popular over the years, tutoring centres, certified teachers who tutor part-time, and online tutoring delivered by experts worldwide. Are all great options to turn to when your child is struggling, needs guidance for exams or just wants to maintain their knowledge.One of the strengths of tutoring is that you can easily find a tutor for anything that you would like to learn or improve. With the primary focus being student enrichment, they can work with your child one to one socially, personally and academically to get back on track.While the tutor's experience and skill will lay the path for how successful a private tutor is and how hard they work with your child to achieve their goals. Parents can work with the tutor to lay the foundation for this success, by supporting the tutor with some critical information, behaviours and clarity before beginning the one to one tutoring journey.Beginning the one to o ne tutoring journey positively.How Can You Support Your Private Tutor?We will highlight some great tips for how you can play your part in selecting and supporting your child's tutor and thus help your child to achieve their maximum potential from the process. These tips look at the role that the parent plays in the child's tutoring journey and how doing just a few things can make a massive difference to the outcome that the tutoring provides.Let get started!Before you are ready to hire a private tutor, you should be very clear about what you need the tutor for. Is your child struggling in school or are they falling behind or perhaps they have an exam or just need some help to maintain and apply their current knowledge. This will be important to share with the tutor before hiring them so that they can be sure if they have the correct skills for the outcomes that you are looking for. It is essential to be transparent with the tutor about why you have hired them and why they are needed .Talking to your child’s school teacher can help you with this, ask to see their evaluations, understand their strengths and weaknesses and overall comprehension in the classroom.Check They Have The Tools For The JobTo support your personal tutor and your child, ensure that you select the most qualified candidate for the position. Once you are clear about why private home tuition is needed, you can then start to look for the person who has the set of skills you need to accomplish the task. You should try where possible to find a tutor who specialises in the topic that your child needs help with.Of course, general personal tutors who cover a wide range of subjects are useful if your child needs help with more than 1 topic. But in any case, having a consultation with the chosen tutor and ensuring that the tutor is experienced in the required topics will support all involved to create a strong and favourable outcome for students.If you are unclear about what skills the tutor needs to bring success to your child speak with their academic teacher who can help you further.Set A GoalKnowing what outcome you want for your child is a crucial consideration in assisting your private tutor to help your child. If the tutor knows why they have been hired and what they are expected to achieve they will be able to reach the goals set out for them in a much more productive way.It will also be peace of mind for you as you could ask the tutor to provide you with a study plan or syllabus. Showing how they hope to achieve these goals and what resources they will use to get there. Giving the tutor a clear purpose and setting out your expectations of outcomes is one of the top ways to support the tutor to help your child.Consulting the national curriculum, your child's school or online sources for more detailed information about learning stages and what should be studied may be helpful.Learn more ways you can make the most of your child's tutoring sessions!Help your child to achie ve their maximum potentialWhether you are hiring 1 on 1 local tutors from your neighbourhood or a tutor online, you will need to schedule classes for your child when they will be most receptive to this further learning. If your child has been at school all day they might need a break or would they function best straight after school? It is crucial not to arrange tutoring sessions when your child is tired and disengaged.Tiredness will prevent them from achieving their maximum potential and make it more difficult for them to retain the information required to improve noticeably. If your child is too tired after school, you can try to find a tutor who works at the weekends and schedule classes then.Be Supportive Work With The TutorWhen the private tutor is working with your child, you must understand and respect their expertise. Creating a healthy communication between yourself and the tutor will help you to support your child better and thus allow the tutor to do their job more effici ently.Understanding the study plan that the tutor has for the session and how they aim to teach your child can go a long way in helping you to work with and support the tutor. For example, you can review the lesson with your child, and help them complete any homework that is set.Allowing FlexibilityAllow the tutor to communicate how to best tutor your child, give them the freedom to instruct your child to academic success. While you should be kept informed of progress be aware that everything takes time. Try not to ask the tutor for progress reports at every class.Agree with the tutor when you will get to discuss the progress of your child and stick with that. Also, allow the tutor to use the engaging techniques and resources that they have determined best to engage your child, these techniques or resources may not always appear to be the most direct method to your goals, but the tutor is experienced and understands how to support a child achieve their potential.Be HonestBeing hones t with the tutor that you have hired is very important as it will help to save time in the long run. If you tell the tutor that your child is good at things they are not good at and ask them to tutor your child on specific outcomes.The tutor could be missing out on vital information, this may dictate the study plan the tutor creates and thus the speed that your child will improve. Either allow the tutor to determine for themselves your child’s strengths and weaknesses or be honest and clear about what level your child is at. Backing this up with school reports and certified teacher feedback will be beneficial to the tutor.Being honest with the tutor also means not doing the homework for your child, if you are committed to the progress of your child, you must understand that getting it right is not the right way to improve. It is the process that the child has to go through, the connections that are made and the achievement of doing it themselves that counts for a lot.Also take a l ook at the possible pitfalls and successes brought by private tutoring...Respect Their ScheduleAny tutor that you choose is likely to be working with some other families, adults or students. It is essential to respect the time of the tutor if you hope for them to work with you long term and if you want to see the maximum improvement with your child.This means being on time and prepared for the lesson at the time that the tutor has given you. If the tutor is coming to your home, then the child should be ready to start the lesson at least 5 minutes before the start time. If the lesson starts 5 minutes late because your child is eating dinner or getting changed this is 5 minutes that you will lose for potential tutoring.The end time of the session is not a suggested end time but the time that the session will end. This allows the tutor to get to other meetings on time. To give your investment in private tuition the maximum chance of success, you must pay attention to the schedule. If y ou would like to get an update about progress, then it is always best to agree on a report schedule before starting to work with the tutor. Decide with them how and when you will be updated. The end of the session with your child may not always be the best time to have the discussion it will depend on their scheduling and availability.Support your child in improving skills that they enjoyWhile it may seem that the tutor's job is to start working with your child to get results as fast as possible on their own. The tutoring partnership is actually a 3 way one; The private tutor as the guide, the parents as the support and the child as the learner, All of these parties have to communicate, work together and dedicate themselves to playing their part. Committing to this partnership will maximise the potential for the child to succeed and lead themselves to achieve their best with confidence.To outline the scope and concepts of personal tutoring, you should read this guide...Happy Learnin g!

12 Collocations with the Preposition IN ?? - Learn English with Harry

12 Collocations with the Preposition IN ?? - Learn English with Harry Hi there, welcome back to Harrys English grammar lessons where Im trying to help you with the improving your overall English. So what are we going to talk about today? Well, were going to talk about collocations and in this case were using collocations with the preposition in. I N. So it can be used in many different situations.We can talk about time or periods of time, like in a month, uh, or in a particular month, like in December or in January, whatever it might be at the moment where in September just and were coming into October or it can be about a specific thing like a space.So you can find it in a box, you can find it in a drawer or you can find it in a wardrobe, a cupboard, wherever that might be.Or you might just be in your mind, youre just thinking about it and it doesnt really exist.Okay. So Ive got lots of that, these options for you and I go through them as I usually do one by one and Id give you some examples to help you. And these are really good because Ive selected these specifically for those who are practising  your written skills. They can be used in writing.You know, we have to practice our oral skills cause thats important and its about the communication. But in todays world, you know, were texting, were sending SMSs . We’re using Whats app, emails, whatever it might be. So we need to really practise our written English as well.So were going to go through these, as I said one by one with hopefully some good examples for you. 12 Collocations with the Preposition In Don't keep this to yourself, tell the world 12 Collocations with the Preposition In So the first one is IN ADDITION TOUsually in addition to is followed by the -ING format of the verb.In addition to writing, I would also like you to concentrate on something else.In addition to working for me, youre also going to have to report to my assistant. So you were using the -ING after that. So in addition to means extra additional work.   So in addition to means extra things that you have to do, in addition to.It is quite formal and also when were talking to people in spoken English, we might not always use it. But as I said to you, very important in your written English because we tend to be a little bit more formal when were writing.The next one  again is a little bit formal.  And again very specific for you practising  your written English IN ANSWER TO.So you often see this at the top of an email at the top of a letter when somebody introduced themselves they say:Well, in answer to your query of such and such a date.In answer to the question that you raised in our last m eeting In answer to the letter you sent me last week So it is very, very formal. So in answer to followed then with a reference to whatever the particular question that was raised. And the person in answer to is going hopefully to give you that particular answer.And the next one is IN ANY CASEIn any case, not necessarily specifically for writing. So somebody will use this in the verbal communication with you. In any case usually means, well, Ive told you about that, but this is what I think.And the next one, short IN BRIEF.In brief means, well, let me just summarize something. So at the end of a meeting, you have the people sitting around the table and you say, well, look in brief, this is what we need to do.  So thats in brief, keep something very short as opposed to the next one, which is IN DETAIL.So if you wanted to talk to somebody but in detail, then you go through it step by step, line by line. So they make sure that you make sure that they understand everything.  When we sta rt the meeting we might go into detail about last month meeting or the sales figures that werent so good or the business plan for the next year or the budget for the next year.  So you want to go through those things in detail, in a lot of detail.  So in brief, short, compact. In detail, a lot more.  And before I move on, just when youre using in detail, make sure that it is the single in detail.  Never in detailS.  Let me know the details. Thats perfect.   Tell me everything about it. What does it look like? I want to buy a car.   Well,  tell me the details, the price, the mileage, et cetera.  But when youre talking about them and meeting in detail,  means step by step. 12 Collocations with the Preposition In We continue learning English collocations with the preposition in. So the next one I have for you is IN EFFECT.And in effect means really?What it means is youll have to go back to that particular client and spell it out to him again. So really this is what I want you to do. Really. This is what it means. So in effect, and the next one is quite common.Im sure youve all heard of it IN FACT.And when we talk about in fact, we mean actually, yeah.In fact, what I mean is thisAnd the next one is IN GENERAL.In general means overall. Were not talking about something specific.Were talking about something a little bit more generalistic. In general, the people in the UK, are heavier than the people in Italy because they eat the wrong food. Its not the same.Everybody in the UK is heavier than everyone in Italy, but in general.And the next one is a really good one to use  IN MODERATION.People love to use this. Everything in moderation. Work in moderation, get work life balance, drinking in moderat ion, eating food in moderation. Dont drink too much, dont eat too much, dont work too much. Ah, in fact, dont do anything too much. Always do things in moderation and you get a nice balance in your life.The next one, we have two prepositions that we can use here IN ORDER OF, or IN ORDER TO.In order of, for example, in order of importance, so you rank things. Whats the most important?  In order to we can use, when we say, for example:In order to speed up administration, you no longer have to complete the form in triplicate.  So in order to achieve something, in order to cut down on the waking time, in order to make our service better.As I said before, in order of whatever it might be.Earlier on we spoke about in general.In general, which you said something not so specific. Now we have another one IN PARTICULAR.This is the exact opposite. So when you want to be really specific, you refer to something in particular.In particular, your second paragraph on the first page where you mentio ned.And the last one I have on this list is IN THEORYOh this is a wonderful expression because people love this. They know they dont have to be specific or they dont have to do it in practice.Well in theory, yeah youre right. But it never works that way. Oh, in theory this is what we meant. But in reality we do it another way. Thanks for listening and thats it for today. Collocations with the preposition IN.If you want to join me, you can get me on www.englishlessonviaskype.comWhen you get there, youll find a link to our wonderful Easy Peasy English Club, which is a great way for you to:improve your written Englishyour spoken Englishyour pronunciationand overall boost your confidence in using English in generalSo join me again soon.